1. Name: Artemis Sken-Mereel
2. Class (Trooper, Jedi, or Smuggler):Trooper
3. How do you plan on being active in the guild? I plan to keep posting on forums and I will most likely be online at least once a day. If I am not online everyday I will have a good excuse but I probably won't get questioned for it.... Will I???
4. Other guild/MMO experience I have guild experience I was formerly a member of The Soldiers of The Old Republic. Unless you count Runescape I have no MMO experience but thats going to change with SWTOR!
5. What type of roll do
you wish to take within the guild - Ummm I don't know if this is an RP question or a RL question so I am going to say that I will take part in as many RPs as I can and I will stay as active as I can and I will provide free RP pie to everyone at every minute of every day.... No Lie with the Pie
6. Age: My RP age is 17 my RL age is not going to be revealed
7. Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
8. RP
expectations-Stealth and knives.... those are two words to summarize my skills in RP and also I can be quite good with a frying pan so I've been told although those sith who have witnessed my frying pan skills are probably dead nahh im just joking i don't use frying pans to fight!
9. How can you benefit and help the guild-I can stay active, I can provide RP Pie, I can take orders, I can also be very persuasive (I know how to haggle!) I am a very trusty person to have around and I am cheery even in the worst situations! And if you need help just come nocking on my door! (Don't forget to nock!)
10. Tell
us a little about your character and yourself (not personal life)
My character was born on Concord Dawn. Her mother was Diana Oro Mereel and her father was Ferran Sken. Her father left a few months after her birth to fight in the war and her mother went downhill with the locals (thugs) In her anger Diana turned to the darkside and Artemis was given to the care of a family friend who was a Nautolan. He raised Artemis on Nar Shadaa teaching her how to survive. When she was 7 they went to Coruscant and lived there peacefully. When she was a 11 Artemis tried to pickpocket a republic soldier who turned out to be her father! So whoop de doop Artemis had a wonderful funloving brilliant family that includes many indivisuals in AL! Artemis followed her fathers foot steps and joined the Republic Military where she found a living as a soopa troopa! Now personality wise I am cheery, Awesome, Happy, Sarcastic, and a smart arse! And for the finish of my backgroud I soon decided to confide with the lovely people of AL and join their guild!