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 [ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77

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[ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77 Empty
PostSubject: [ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77   [ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 5:10 pm

Guild Name: Republic Trooper Task Force 77

Guild Site Link:
Way Of Your Guild Communication: Role Playing, Chat Box, Private Messages

Guild Alignment: Republic

Is Your Guilds Mission Statement:?
We are a Republic Guild! Republic
Trooper Task Force 77 is one of the best Republic guilds their are on
swtor. Why? I'll tell you why! We here at Republic Trooper Task Force 77
(RTTF77) focus on one major thing to get us through the day at the end,
family. We here value the trust and love between family members and
want to bring that experience to you online here in our guild too!
Family bonds strengthen the trust and connection between our members and
comes in as a valued part in a guild/clan war. We are kind to all
players and respect all Republic and Jedi opinions. We are a society built
on trust and leadership. We have a a respected table of pillars that we
will run by you soon on request. But we need people like you, people with
an open and peaceful mind that are willing to make this guild different
from any other! We all contribute! The war with the sith rages on but
Republic Trooper Task Force 77 leads the way to freedom and victory! We
hope you join us on our mission to bring peace to the galaxy! Long Live
The Republic!!!

What do we plan to do it the SW:TOR Commuity: We
plan to offer all gamers a friendly yet challenging world and community
in which they can emerse themselves in. We want the Guild to grow with
them and not the Guild growing without its members. We will be actively
working with other guilds and gamers to help give them the time of their
lives. But challenging to strive to do better in all that they do
within the game and without.

Why do you wish to become an ally
of the Army Of Light?
We see that you are a very large and friendly
community. We here at Republic Trooper Task Force admire that. We feel
that if their is more teamwork and we unite, we can offer gamers a
totally new and fresh experience of friendship and determination to be
better. We ourselves are a young but growing guild that hungers to be
taught and to teach the inner and outer workings of a guild.

do you think you or your guild can do to benefit the Army Of Light? We
ourselves are a young but still growing guild, acknowledge that we cannot
offer much that a big time guild can offer. But we can offer you
friendship and loyalty. To have your guilds back in tough situations and
in an online guild war. We can harbor your troops and return them when
needed. Same goes for us we can give you some troops and classes but ask
for them back at the right time. We can offer opinions on guild related
matters aswell as game related matters. We ourselves have plenty of
members with MMO and MMORPG experience and we have quite a few
strategists. But above all we can offer a family feeling to all.

Of Active Members?
At the moment most of our guild members are in a
"sleep" stage we call it. Meaning that they are still within the guild
but they will be back online and ready to go once the release of SW:TOR
is near. We expect a burst of new and old members to be back online
within out guild by then. At the moment though we only have a hand full
of members counting at around 14 currently still online. We have around
80 members originally but again we expect a full stampede of returning
and new members close to "Game Time".

How do you feel you could
participate in the Army Of Light's activities, let alone interact with
the Army Of Light?
Well we have members in distant parts of the world so
a real time real life activity I do not expect much that are close to
that area will arrive. But Me and a select few of the upper members will
do as much that is in our power to participate in real time real life
activities. But as far as activities online go we have plenty of members
that are willing to participate.

(Side Note: My guild currently
is under a "move" process from to "" so
we are still receiving applicants for our NEW site.)
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Posts : 72
Join date : 2010-05-20
Location : Naboo

[ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77   [ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 6:10 pm


First of all, as Ambassador of the Army of Light I want to thank you for contacting us. I take great pleasure in saying that we are now in a fifteen day trial alliance. With these 15 days our members will get to know your members and we will work out any kinks we might have. After the fifteen days have passed, we will automatically be in a full alliance. If you ever need me, please contact me through our chat and/or private message me on the forums. If you wish, please leave a message with my assistant Mai. Again, the Army of Light is happy to have you on our side.

Ambassador Master Councilor Bond Mispir
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[ACCEPTED] Republic Task Force 77
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